Name=Self Explanatory

"Ms. Henry? I don't think I've ever done this before, but can there be more than one answer on a multiple choice question. You know, cause it's multiple choice?"

Savvy- Well umm, this is very sad because this is coming from a Vincentian(honors) class student. Yes, this was also in the middle of the test, for all to hear. Of course, it sparked debate, and then people started shouting out, in the middle of a test. Well this basically explains our "loose cannon" Modern World studies class. And no, I'm not going to make a whole post about "loose cannon" because I wouldn't know where to start.

No Fun

The end of the year is coming and everyone is supposed to be in a good mood! Especially teachers because they get the summer off. Unfortunately one particular LA/LB teacher doesn't get that, or that it downs our summer mood. I mean, he was talking about being buzz kill by giving us open-ended questions over spring break, I think this is worse! He had us watch movies on the holocaust and has been not so nice. Not so nice to the point where nothing he says anymore is funny, just outright annoying. Therefore, I'd like to give you my essay this week on what I think of LA/LB right now:

Mr. Banks is annoying. There is no sense in arguing with annoying people. Therefore, there is no sense arguing with Mr. Banks. Like Elie Wiesel once said "We are angry when we are helpless." I am angry. Therefore, I'm helpless. People feel helpless when their grade is based on the discretion of an idiot. Therefore, My grade is based on the discretion of an idiot. If someone is stupid, then they are an LA/LB teacher. If someone is an LA/LB teacher, then they are stupid. Someone is stupid if and only if they are an LA/LB teacher.

I like using logic to make fun of people, especially when they failed at trying to teach us when we already knew, and they didn't. I also like to use analogies in my writing assignments related to Science, except they don't work when your teacher is to dumb to comprehend such a good analogy, or even what you're talking about in general.

Awkward Turtle Moment

"This story is all about suspense. You know, have you ever played man hunt? You know when you have that really good hiding spot and the person is literally on top of you, and you try not to move? And just then, you have to go. Come on guys! I know you know what I'm talking about, like the nervous pee."

Savvy: I don't know what to say about that day. He was in rare form. He was spitting out so much material, I couldn't get it all down fast enough! That and the day before, so there will be quite a few more good ones to take note of. And I know we all know what that feels like, but do you have to mention it? Or just described it in a less, oh, I don't know inappropriate way. I mean it was funny, but very awkward to hear your LA/LB teacher talking about "the nervous pee". Could have been your friend, your sister, maybe even your pet monkey, but never would I suspect a LA/LB teacher to bring up such a thing? By the way, when was the last time he played man hunt?

Brockie: Umm okay..... HE could have said a feeling in your gut or some but NO he said nervous pee. PEE! Still as Savvy mentioned he was having a great week. He talked about a "special someone" in a way that you couldn't tell if was joking or not. Also, this came up when was talking about manhunt. That brings us to another question. How often does a 29 year old (30 may 20)man play manhunt? Maybe the Asian face is a kid and likes to play. I have no idea nor do i wish to find out. Bottom lines is a would have said Nervous Pee and I told savvy "you should pee yourself" ( in my defense it was first period. I'm lucky if I know my own name."

Foulds Gone Wild!

Wow, we've been super lazy, but trust me, the wait for this kind of thing to happen was worth it. I will post this as dialogue (like a script) so you can get the full effect of the back-and-forth that went on.

First of all, some people probably heard this first part, but you'll never hear the next part coming!

Foulds: A fractal gets more dense as you break up its branches farther, does anyone know what I mean by that?


Like if I said Robert L. is dense, what does that mean?

Robert: Sexy?

hysterical laughter

Foulds: No, but if your name was Alex you could be sexy lexi

Alex: Oh god

After, there was a big hullabaloo because she couldn't find the math homework. It turned out someone was hiding it but they blamed it on Nick, who then blamed it on Mark who then proceeded to cry. Then, Mrs. Foulds yelled at him for crying and Nick admitted to paying the other person $1 to hide them. Finally, she passed out the homework and they could leave, and Nick was lead outside to be screaméd at by Mrs. Foulds. THE END!!

Just Plain Wrong

Yes this was. And in case you didn't see, you weren't there, or have no idea what I'm talking about, I'm here to tell you. Me and Brockie seemed to be the only people in the class laughing, which I always think is the best way. But, before you start questioning what was so funny, and weird, here is my illustration and explanation of what went down

Yes he did use a pen to stir his coffee

See? Pen.

And, yes, he did lick it,

Oh yeah, he licked it, *cue us laughing*

And put the cap back on while saying something in vain to make light of the situation, which as you may know, didn't work
Put the pen behind his ear like he always does.

Shrugged it off,

And went along his merry little way.

I hope you enjoyed my interpretation of one of the odd chronicles of Mr. Banks

Brockie: I swear the class did not notice anything till i started looking at him when he had it in his coffee. I feel like its my fault. I am gonna be the responsible one and buy him some coffee stirers

There's No Business Like Showbusiness

Y'know with those blue screens...oh! sorry green screens, more hi-tech
-Mr. Banks

Savvy:Yes, there is no business like showbusiness, it's a grand and wonderful thing, because HE'S not in it! We would be doomed if he was. Which makes me question, why is he directing our Pyramus and Thisbe play? Oh, but of course! Because it's supposed to be bad. Just goes to show once again his ineptness...sigh, if only he knew we were getting so much amusement out of it. Also, blue-ray might be the new thing for DVDs, but I don't think there was ever a blue screen before green screens, 'cuz blue is just evil, it's the color of DEATH!

P.S. This is the character I play, Puck. Of course Brockie isn't in it, she's working backstage, but that means less work for me! All I have to do is memorize my lines

This is the Lovely Puck:

This is the lovely Puck:

Which one do you think I should be? Well I know, but I'm not quite sure how I will be. And that's what scares me.

Brockie: Ahhh sooo many fails so little time. I have a few book suggestions for Mr. banks. 1. Techonlogy for dummies 2. Spelling for dummies and last but not least 3. Sarcasm for dummies.

One Word

Vacation. yeah when you're on vacation you're too lazy to post on your blog, and then your co-bloggie is just too lazy to in general (and they know it. So, anyways onto the quote of the week!

This is a fragmented quote, from different days in time, Beginning of the year "Yeah, I'm kind of a geography buff" B few days ago "WHERE'S TAHITI??!? Well, either way it's paradise"
The one, the only, Mr. Banks

Savvy: Yes. Obviously he's a geography buff, that TOTALLY explains why he's a LA teacher who can't spell. I'd be just fine if he went and taught 4th graders about where Tahiti is...if he knew. And once again I must point out the last comment is to try to buffer his very apparent crash and burn.

Brockie: sorry for my lazyiness. ITs my nature. Anyway this almost as bad as his history. ahhh i enjoy this so much. It deosnt matter if anyone is reading this its more like a scrapbook. A scrapbook about many things but so far mostly an incapable teacher.

History's Mysteries

"You guys all know king Richard VIII right? The one who beheaded eight of his wives...(after many controversial looks from classmates and corrections) Oh, maybe that was another king. Wait! *laughs* I was thinking about Poor Richard's Almanac.
-Mr. Banks

Savvy: Okay just to get this over with there was NEVER a king Richard VIII, only three, that's right I...II...aaannndd III. I know Roman numerals are a little hard, but think of them like letters, oh wait, I forgot, he's not good with those either. Okay, I ranted off a little bit (wait...that's Brockie's job...oops) but let me finish my clarification. It was King Henry VIII who had six wives, divorced two, and executed two, one died and one was widowed because HE died. I don't know what it was that made him say that, but it's never clear with psycho LA/LB teachers anyway. Which reminds me, he also (as he always does) tried to prove himself right by going on to suggest that king Richard VIII (the figment of his imagination) ruled during the American Revolution. *Sound of head banging against desk* Just give up already! He's like Henry Clay, the politician that won't DIE!

Brockie: Oh God. For starters I had to correct him.....TWICE. Everyone thinks our generation is going to be stupid. We should be if Mr. Banks represents the generation teaching us. I could rant even more but Savvy summed it up. Whatever, at least he's not a fat lady OLDER then the never dying Henry Clay!

Just Because it's Gone Doesn't Mean it's Forgotten

"Always erase your Google history"

Savvy: Okay I'm just going to say this, hearing my language arts teacher say that scares the carp outta me! Note to self, go buy more carp I mean, I'd expect it from my wood teacher and principal, but not from someone you have for the WHOLE YEAR you see EVERY DAY! And don't even get me started with what he might be watching, because if I do, I'll never return to his class! Never!!!!

Brockie: Okay...and your not creepy at all. Brings back memories of last year...not good memories. What was our Lalb (language arts literacy block) teacher doing on yahoo ALL THE TIME! I mean really at least use Google. God, looking at that stuff is probably the only thing the bitch can do on the computer. I'm getting sidetracked but oh well. I hate that lady (she's worse than Mr. Banks and he doesn't understand sarcasm! AKA: my way of life)


"At least I'm not a creepy stalker.
-Mr. Banks

Savvy: First off, you will soon come to realize that 99% of these quotes come from our "language arts teacher"(<---- implying sarcasm for those who are slow). He just has so many adages (haha I used a vocabulary word) that are just so hard to NOT break the monotony of class with eitherA. In Brockie's case, a sarcastic remark that causes the whole class to erupt with laughter while Mr. Banks tries to come up with some crappy comeback or B. In my case, erupting with laughter solo...which can be viral, but either way I find it very satisfying.
Anyways, yes, these were his exact words which left me thinking Really? Really? Your Sure? You Really Sure? Well I guess he's one of those old lonely men stalker types compared to a few others in our school. *cough* *cough* our principal *cough* and *cough* wood teacher *cough* *cough*. Oh, sorry as i was saying we have some legitimate stalkers in our school dun, dun...dunnnnn!

Brockie:wELL AS SAVVY said I say a lot of stuff that Mr.banks is too slow to get. He tries to stalk me but he can't keep up. When I turn the corner he gets lost like one of those Waltzing mice that run in circles. He's pathetic and I can spell better then him and I can't even spell diseese. PLEASE NOTE: OUR PRINCIPAL IS A BIGGER STALKER HE SAID "GOOD MORNING" TO ME AND I LOOK LIKE A NERD.

What happens in LA/LB...

"Sometimes you just gotta burst out in song"

Savvy: Well even if you HAVE TO, doesn't mean anyone wants to hear it. And if they are in the presence, well, *rustles through purse to turn phone microphone on.* Oh and just to exemplify what Brockie is saying about the musicals...two words Mamma Mia (the movie)

Brockie: Yeah lets get this out of the banks is an idiot. I hate musicals because people burst into song as they walk down the street so you can imagine what i think of this. ( i really need to make some sort of emo smiley....)

Lunes, Maandag, Понеделник, Poniedziałek whatever you call it...

"Monday sucks"
-Savvy and Brockie

Savvy: For us, it means the first of FIVE WHOLE DAYS of 55% torture, 22% fun and 11% hysteria. It also means we'll be face to "face" with some rather unpleasant company, but hey! That means there's just a little more fun in 22% of the torture of the day...every time he turns around.

Brockie: Well..i mean does anyone like monday? its the beginning of 5 days of hell then finally Saturday comes you get two days and then guesss what? monday comes again and this continues till the day you retire.....

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